
Integrating local with global

Nokia Digital

A major telecommunications brand needed to integrate with its global property, individual local products that propagated a strong local business and cultural perspective. From a usability research and design perspective it was important to consider the lens of all stakeholders across 5 countries. This project was conducted in partnership with a user experience firm.

The following are 4 major areas of exploration that helped assess user behaviour and expectation with a view towards improving usability, effectiveness and content, and integrating effectively with the values of the global brand.

Who is our customer : Personas

Understanding “Intent” was key to outlining who Nokia was speaking to and what their expectations were. Stakeholders were grouped in the order of mapping their “Intent”, or “Need/Expectation” from the local digital properties and the underlying overlap with the global brand values. Especially from a cultural perspective, it was interesting to note how users from a particular country responded to labels, content and even information flow.

What is their behaviour : Tasks

Another popular usability research tool, “Task Analysis”, helped capture insights around wayfinding and to assess how users experience specific aspects of the website from the lens of the tasks they expect to accomplish. We learnt that for some local persona’s, it became difficult for the property to meet expectations because Nokia was perceived differently from the global brand, given their business focus in that country. These insights were useful in finding effective ways to organize and structure content, both from a global and a local perspective.

Industry Services
  • Research
  • Strategy
  • Digital
What is their Journey: Information Architecture

No usability study is complete without a user journey, to help map information architecture. and this especially popular tool helped capture insights around behaviour of navigation. Specifically, a competitor site was used as a benchmark to assess standards of user experience.

What does the data mean: Content Review

It was clear that look and feel played an important role and at an overall level, the users played back that they seemed more confused with the imagery, not disappointed with the aesthetics. There seemed to be a need for sections and labeling to be more explicit. Based on the research, it seemed clear that the site had the brand appeal for the values of the global brand, but seemed to lack the syntax for the local business perspective.

The recommendations helped the Telecommunication firm to implement changes that improved the overall visual design and navigation structure that would work best with the Asian customers, with the backdrop of the global brand in mind.



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